The toys Edmontonians will always remember
Share your favourite Christmas toy in the comments below

Everyone's got that one childhood toy that they will always remember, that one toy you wished above anything else would be under the tree waiting for you come Christmas morning.
For Radio Active producer Leslie Goldstone, it was this:
Meanwhile, host Rod Kurtz pined for an Aurora Racing set like this one:
Today on Radio Active, we collected stories and pictures of your favourite nostalgic toys — the ones you loved the most, the ones you found under the Christmas tree, and the ones you never received and still pine for.
For @mikeawesome00, it was Alf.
<a href="">@CBC_Caitlin</a> <a href="">@CBCEdmonton</a> <a href="">@CBCRadioActive</a> Alf! <a href=""></a>
Both digital producer Ashley Geddes and commenter Donny Brook dreamed of the Johnny Seven OMA:
Two separate commenters listed the Man from U.N.C.L.E spy briefcase as the childhood toy of their dreams.

From Russell in Slave Lake: In the late 1970's I wanted a Micronaut's space ship. I told everyone. On Dec 20th I searched my parents room, FINDING IT!! I found my mom and thanked her whilst crying with joy. Christmas day I unwrapped the one I thought it was but my mom took it back because I found it and she thought I should be surprised Christmas day. I cried again but thus time not in joy. Moral of the story ... don't look for your presents and if you do then don't go thank your parents for getting what you wanted. Merry Christmas!

From Gem in St. Albert: I still have some of my daughters' 40+ yr. old toys. These include a Light Bright and Lego. Many children have played with them and now my own grandchildren are playing with them.

Some, like Richard Fantin, were unwilling to let those childhood toys remain a long-cherised dream and took action.
<a href="">@CBC_Caitlin</a> <a href="">@CBCRadioActive</a> <a href=""></a> which I actually ordered a few years ago via <a href="">@BrickLink</a>. Mission accomplished.

From the phones: My favourite toy, although I only had it for about 10 minutes, was a hockey game. My grandfather gave it to me for Christmas in either '73 or '74 but my mother and grandmother took it and gave it to my brother because 'it is a boy's game, girls don't play hockey.' I still loved it!
From Wendy McGee: I got a chemistry set in 5th grade which is ironic since I got 23 percent in chemistry 10.
What was your favourite childhood toy? Put it in the comments below.