Travis Vader to remain free on bail
Weekly, random drug testing and property searches part of new conditions

Despite showing up late for his own trial four times, Travis Vader will remain free on bail.
On Friday, the Crown and defence reached an agreement to keep the accused killer out of jail, but it comes with two new conditions.
Vader will have to submit to weekly, random urine testing for drugs, with more frequent sampling upon reasonable suspicion. He will also be subject to random property searches.
He already must abide by a curfew between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. in approved residences and continue wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet. He must maintain good behaviour, stay in Alberta, not work in a camp and surrender any passports. He must stay out of bars and not possess any non-prescription drugs, firearms, explosives or any other weapons.
Vader is free on a $25,000 no cash bail.
He is currently on trial, charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the July 2010 deaths of St. Albert seniors Lyle and Marie McCann.
He has been late to his trial four times so far. Court was told twice that Vader had car trouble, and once that he slept in.