Edmonton AM heads to the French quarter for Turkey Drive Spectacular

This is your official invitation to the annual Turkey Drive Spectacular.
For the final day of Turkey Drive, Edmonton AM will return to La Cité Francophone for a morning of live music and great guests, in support of the Edmonton Food Bank.
Everyone is invited to join the festivities, feast on free breakfast, be entertained by holiday carolers, and get a behind the scene look at live radio in action.
Mark Connolly and the morning show crew will broadcast from the heart of the city's French quarter on Thursday morning in a final push for donations.
Café bicyclette will serve up delicious free crepes and coffee. The first 50 people to donate $75 or more will get an exclusive CBC Edmonton pottery mug.
Glen LaValley — 'Glen the balloon guy' — Edmonton's best-known balloon artist will be there twisting a new creation into shape.
It will be a musical morning with performances by the University of Alberta Madrigal Singers, the St. Joseph High School jazz band, and Lucette.
Since 1995, Turkey Drive has raised more than $4 million in support of Edmonton's Food Bank. This year, we are trying to raise a total of $500,000.
For more information, visit the Turkey Drive events page.
Dudley and his sleigh <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/sleighyourselfie?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#sleighyourselfie</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/turkeydriveyeg?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#turkeydriveyeg</a> <a href="https://t.co/v5VFf5Xypz">pic.twitter.com/v5VFf5Xypz</a>