What did you think of Trudeau's official visit to D.C.?

The honour guards have been dismissed and the crystal has all been put away.
But there's hope the budding "bromance" between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Barack Obama will mean warmer relations between our two countries, at least for the next few months.
- Trudeau-Obama bromance's real prize comes with the world watching: Chris Hall
- VIDEO | Justin Trudeau tells White House state dinner Canada and U.S. 'closer than friends'
- 12 things Trudeau and Obama agreed on yesterday
What did you think of Trudeau's official visit and state dinner? Here's how the conversation went:
(Please note that usernames are not necessarily the names of commenters. Some comments have been altered to correct spelling and to conform to CBC style. Click on the username to see the complete comment in the blog format.)
Some people in the CBC Forum had nothing but praise for Trudeau
"Trudeau has given Canada's image abroad a new and healthy shine, like the Canada of old. And, on a more practical level, he has taken the first steps toward some new and beneficial initiatives with the U.S. Not bad, all in one day. However, as a politician he still has a lot to learn, and I'm sure he was watching Obama closely to see how he conducts himself, and to learn from his years of experience." — beastly
"I don't see how the visit could be considered a bad thing. I hope the work of the two 'first ladies' will continue on for years no matter who is in government. Listening to some of the comments from U.S. politicians, I gather Mr. Trudeau impressed them. If my understanding of the climate-related announcements is correct, they go a long way to ensuring an 'even playing field' across the border, which has been a concern for many." — EOttawa
"Trudeau had not been my choice for prime minister but I must say I have been extremely impressed not only by his vision but his subsequent carry-through, as well as his confident ability to carry himself well on the world stage. It's been years since I've been able to say this, but today I am very proud to be Canadian. Well done!" — Lucia
"Wonderful. The way it should always be. Two good men that truly care about the real people. It was heartwarming to watch. It will bring all good things." — Rachel T. Scott
For others, the official visit was just a big show
"Not all Canadians are as thrilled as the media seems to be about our shiny new PM. Obama has done real damage internationally by failing to engage in the middle east and allowing Putin to run things. Trudeau is of the same misguided opinions and I fear, will lead us into well meaning idiocies for the duration of his tenure." — Ken Wells
"I'm looking at a love-fest with a lame duck President as quite irrelevant. Trudeau has so far showed us nothing about substance and this display of superstardom is already infuriating voters." — Roxann
"Celebrity and 'saying the right thing for this particular moment in time' scores hugely with many people and of course the Canadian media. Trudeau has and does both of these things. Substance doesn't matter. Obama is a lame duck now so even this trip to Washington is more about celebrity and feeling good than anything with longer term substance and longevity." — Alana
Some of you had criticisms of our coverage of the state dinner
"I am embarrassed by the CBC's coverage of this 'event.' You would think that this was tantamount to the moon landing! This will not change the fact that our unemployment rate is 2.5 per cent higher than that of our American neighbours. We need to get back to discussing things that actually matter, not what Trudeau's wife is wearing." — lynch2664
"Bromance? You are newspeople! You don't need to use buzzwords in an attempt to look/sound hip!" — Robert J. Toth
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