The killing of Pat Musitano — live chat Wednesday with mafia expert Antonio Nicaso
Join our live interview on Wednesday at noon on Facebook; send us your questions and comments
In front of a furniture store in Burlington on Friday, Halton police say, notorious Hamilton mobster Pat Musitano was shot to death.
It happened in the early afternoon in a small plaza and was no surprise to long-time mafia expert Antonio Nicaso who says Musitano "was a dead man walking."

The head of the Musitano crime family had, until Friday, survived a series of attempts on his life. In 2017 his home was riddled with bullet holes. And last year, outside a lawyer's office in Mississauga, he survived after being hit with multiple gunshots.
Wednesday at noon CBC's Conrad Collaco will speak with Nicaso, an author of more than 30 books about organized crime and a lecturer at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. His book Business or Blood: Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto's Last War, written with Peter Edwards, was the subject material for the first season of the Netflix crime drama Bad Blood.
They'll talk about Musitano's killing and what this could mean for organized crime in Hamilton and across the country.
Be a part of the conversation. If you've got questions or comments for Nicaso send them in by email at or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.