More COVID-19 cases reported among Hamilton students and school staff
McMaster University is also reporting its 7th case of the virus

COVID-19 cases continue to be reported at Hamilton schools, infecting students, staff and a bus driver.
Three students at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Elementary School, who were last in the building on Oct. 9, have the virus, according to a letter to families from principal Kevin Mielko.
The positive test results were confirmed on Oct. 18, but the principal says there are no school-related close contacts and "therefore no risk to the school community."
Sacred Heart was the site of the city's first COVID-19 outbreak at a school after two staff members were infected.
Two classrooms remained closed as of Monday.
New cases continued to be reported with the city's public board as well.
The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) says three students, two staff members and a bus driver have tested positive for the virus.
Among them is a student at Tiffany Hills Elementary School, the second case at the Ancaster school.
A letter from principal Jane Gerritsen says they were last in the building on Oct. 7 and the school was notified of the positive test on Oct. 18.
Students at Sir Allan MacNab Secondary School and Saltfleet District High School have also tested positive, according to the board.
The MacNab student last visited the building on Oct. 13 and the test results were shared with the board on Monday.
"As a precautionary measure, the class of students associated with this case have received instruction from [public health] to not attend school and isolate for a 14-day period," wrote principal Gregory Clark in a letter to parents and caregivers.
Saltfleet principal Christine Nicolaides says the HWDSB also found out a student had tested positive Monday, adding that person was last in the school on Oct. 2.
However, public health officials have determined there were no close contacts with students or staff because the person in question had not been in the building when there was a risk of exposure.
Public health "considers the risk to other students and staff low," she said.
Staff cases at Glendale and Highview
The most-recent staff cases of COVID-19 with the public board are at Highview Elementary School and Glendale Secondary School.
Two people associated with Glendale have tested positive. The first is a staff member whose most recent visit to the school was on Oct. 6. Principal Barry Smith says public health has determined there are no student or staff close contacts.
The second case is a driver with the Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation Services.
The principal says that person's positive test results were shared with the school board on Monday.
"The impacted students have been notified by the transportation operator and the school," Smith writes, adding public health will reach out to close contacts and direct them to "self-isolate for a determined time."

The Highview staff member was last in the elementary school on Oct. 16 and the board was notified two days later that the person had tested positive.
Some students and staff are being directed to self-isolate and wait for further direction from public health.
The letters from principals following each positive case ask families to continue screening students, but add they should continue to attend school unless they have symptoms, have been in close contact with a case or have been directed by public health to stay home.
Following confirmation of a COVID-19 case, the HWDSB says it follows a "detailed cleaning and disinfecting protocol." Students and staff will only be allowed back into a school space once the board is "confident it is safe to use."
Student case reported at McMaster, Redeemer and Mohawk
McMaster, meanwhile, is reporting the seventh case of COVID-19 linked to its campus.
A student tested positive on Oct. 18 and notified the university Monday, according to an update on its website.
The person was last on campus on Oct. 15 and spent time in several areas of the Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery.
"All areas of the building, as well as all applicable lab equipment, have since been thoroughly cleaned," said McMaster, adding public health will carry out contact tracing.

Redeemer University has its first COVID-19 case.
The school says the infected student was last on campus during the morning of Oct. 15 and was fully complying with Redeemer's health and safety protocols and guidelines.
"The student, who is currently isolating at home, notified the university promptly after testing positive and has been forthcoming with helpful information, which has assisted Redeemer in responding quickly and efficiently," reads a release.
"Redeemer is following comprehensive protocols, developed earlier in consultation with public health officials, for any confirmed cases of COVID-19. Contact tracing is being managed by Hamilton Public Health, with the cooperation of Redeemer staff, and public health officials will directly communicate with contacts as required."
Mohawk College's Stoney Creek Campus also reported a student case of COVID-19.
They were last on campus on Oct. 13 for a class. The school says the student "followed all required protocols for entry prior to experiencing symptoms and testing positive for COVID-19."
"The student and Mohawk College have been cooperating with public health officials in relation to this situation ... some people who may have had casual contact with the affected student are being asked to self-monitor their health for the next 14 days. They have already been notified."
Cases at Grimsby Secondary and Port Weller
A person at Grimsby Secondary School has tested positive for the virus.
"Students and staff have been contacted and advised as needed. The school has been thoroughly cleaned and public health will do an on-site assessment," read a tweet from the school board.
There's also a case at Port Weller Public School.
"Port Weller PS will continue with preventative COVID-19 practices such as wearing PPE, physical distancing, hand hygiene, and daily health screening," said the board.
Brant Hills student in Burlington tests positive
A student at Brant Hills Public School in Burlington has tested positive for the virus.
The school learned of the result on Sunday.
It says public health contacted the cohorts who were deemed high and low risk contacts.
Staff and families have also been notified.