2 new COVID-19 outbreaks announced in Hamilton, as seven more cases reported Sunday
The city has seen 1,506 cases since the pandemic began

Two new COVID-19 outbreaks have been declared in Hamilton after a staff member at Macassa Lodge and another at I.H. Mission Services tested positive for the virus.
There are currently nine outbreaks in the city, including at Sacred Heart of Jesus Elementary School and Shannen Koostachin Elementary School.
No new cases were reported Sunday in connection with Spinco, the site of the city's largest ongoing outbreak. A spokesperson for public health said the case count linked to the spin studio remains at 74 — 46 patrons and two staff members, along with 26 secondary or "household spread" cases such as family, friends or other contacts.
The latest outbreaks at Macassa Lodge and I.H. Mission Services were announced Saturday, according to public health.
Statistics shared online show there are 158 active cases in Hamilton as of Sunday.
The city has seen 1,506 cases since the pandemic began, an increase of seven over the day before.
Of those, 1,299 (86 per cent) are resolved. Forty-seven people have died.
Here's a look at COVID-19 cases in nearby communities:
There are 59 active cases of COVID-19 and five outbreaks ongoing in Niagara Sunday.
The region has seen a total of 1,253 cases during the pandemic, 1,127 of which are resolved.
Sixty-seven people have died.
Six Nations
An update from Six Nations of the Grand River showed there are 29 active cases there as of Saturday.
The community has seen 58 cases since the pandemic began. Of those, 32 are resolved.
One person has died.
Six Nations COVID-19 Update As At<br>October 17, 2020 <a href="https://t.co/QmJIpnczv4">pic.twitter.com/QmJIpnczv4</a>
Twenty-two more cases of COVID-19 were reported in Halton Sunday, bringing the total for the region to 1,803.
The latest data shared online shows 210 of those cases are active, while 1,536 are resolved. Thirty people have died.
Five outbreaks in the area are considered open at CAMA Woodlands and the Village of Tansley Woods in Burlington.
There are nine active cases of COVID-19 in Haldimand and Norfolk as of Sunday.
A total of 502 people in the counties have tested positive during the pandemic. Of those, 456 are recovered.
There have been 32 COVID-related deaths.
Two more cases of COVID-19 were reported in Brant Sunday.
The county has seen 213 confirmed cases.
Eight of the cases are active, while 200 are resolved. Five people have died.