Dogs, snow angels and pea soup: Your pics of the Hamilton snowstorm
There were a lot of good snow pups

Snow blanketed Hamilton and Niagara on Saturday — although in the morning, it didn't look all that stormy.
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But by the afternoon, we had some serious snow on our hands.
Looking forward to a good shoulder workout while shoveling. Locke St Area. <a href="">#ONstorm</a> <a href="">@CBCHamilton</a> <a href=""></a>
Yep! The mountain is getting plenty of snow! <a href=""></a>
View from my balcony in West Hamilton- normally I can see the mountain but visibility is zero. <a href=""></a>
Looking North down Lake Ave.<a href="">#HamOnt</a> <a href="">#stoneycreek</a> <a href="">#ONStorm</a> <a href="">#ontariostorm</a> <a href="">@CHCHTV</a> <a href="">@CBCHamilton</a> <a href="">@TheSpec</a> <a href=""></a>
Some of you jumped right into the snow day...
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A great day for some snow play and shovelling! <a href=""></a>
Great day for the beach!😉❤️❄️<br>(Van Wagners Beach, Hamilton) <a href=""></a>
...and other stayed in for the storm snacks.
Baking cookies <a href=""></a>
Homemade pea soup to warm from the inside out! <a href=""></a>
Enjoying this and making chili <a href=""></a>
There were a lot of good snow dogs.
<a href="">@CBCHamilton</a> <a href="">#onstorm</a> <a href="">#Grimsby</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@CBCHamilton</a> Serra the <a href="">#hamont</a> snow dog <a href=""></a>
4x4ing RC style, Brutus on watch. <a href="">#moresnowplease</a>! <a href="">#OnStorm</a> <a href="">#HamOn</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#Charlie</a> agrees there's a lot of snow on <a href="">#HamOnt</a> Mountain ❄️❄️ <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@CBCHamilton</a> our Bernese Mountain Dog is loving the snow piling up in Upper Stoney Creek <a href=""></a>
And almost enough snow to bury the measuring stick!
Already approaching 30cm on the West Mountain. <a href="">#hamont</a> <a href="">#ONStorm</a> <a href=""></a>
It's definitely cold and a hassle to shovel...
I couldn’t get out of the garage, so I changed my mind and stayed home. <a href=""></a>
❄❄❄ <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@CBCHamilton</a> Getting the snow removed any way possible. <a href=""></a>
...but it can also be pretty beautiful.
Love the lake in a storm. Beach Blvd... So windy and cold! Check out the ice shelf forming. <a href="">#ONStorm</a> <a href="">#HamOntSnow</a> <a href=""></a>