City taking a closer look at Enbridge pipeline expansion

The city of Hamilton is taking a closer look at an Enbridge plan to replace Line 10, a pipeline that runs through Hamilton.
City hall's general issues committee voted on Wednesday to have its staff take a closer look at the project, which Enbridge hopes to finish by September 2018.
Enbridge plans to replace a 12-inch pipeline running through Flamborough and Binbrook with a 20-inch one. The issue drew three concerned speakers on Wednesday, including some from the local aboriginal community.
Agnes Richard of the local Council of Canadians chapter suggested that Enbridge plans to work on 35 kilometres of the pipeline to escape having to undergo a provincial and federal environmental assessment.
"The city should ask that the province require an environmental assessment on this 35-kilometre section," she said.
Pending National Energy Board approval, Enbridge hopes to lay the fresh pipe next to the existing one, with the route deviating in some places from the existing route.
There is a public meeting on the issue Wednesday night from 5 to 8 p.m. at Marritt Hall at the Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trinity Rd. S., Jerseyville.