Full program for Lincoln Alexander's funeral

The Honourable Lincoln MacCauley Alexander PC, CC, O.Ont, CD, QC January 21, 1922 – October 19, 2012
A Celebration of Life

Friday, October 26, 2012 2:30 pm Hamilton, Ontario
Order of Service
Gathering Music: The Hamilton All Star Jazz Band – Dr. Russ Weil, Conductor
Call to Worship – The Reverend Allison Barrett
Processional – Keith McGrath, Piper, Hamilton Police Pipe Band
Opening Words
Opening Hymn All Through the Night (Ar Hyd Y Nos) Traditional Welsh, Arranged by Alywn Humphreys Sung by the Burlington Welsh Male Chorus Janice Beninger, Music Director Larisa Gulenco, Accompanist
Verse 1 Choir alone in Welsh
Verse 2 Congregation All Sing Sleep, Dear Heart, and peace attend thee All through the night Guardian angels God will send thee All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping Hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my loving vigil keeping All through the night
Verse 3 Congregation All Sing While the moon her watch is keeping All through the night While the weary world is sleeping All through the night O’er thy spirit gently stealing Visions of delight revealing Breathes a pure and holy feeling All through the night
Verse 4 Congregation All Sing Hark, a solemn bell is ringing Clear through the night Thou, my love, art heavenward winging Home through the night Earthly dust from off thee shaken Soul immortal shalt thou ‘waken With thy last dim journey taken Home through the night
Verse 5 Choir alone in Welsh
Prayer Spoken Sung Da Pacem by Jeffrey Enns Members of the McMaster Choirs, Rachel Rensink-Hoff, Director Text – Da pacem, Domine, in diebus nostris. Give peace, Lord, in our time.
Reading From the Gospel of John – Mrs. Teena Smith (Lincoln’s first cousin)
Reading From Ulysses Alfred Lord Tennyson, adapted – Dr. Peter George, President Emeritus, McMaster University
SOLO I’se Weary of Waitin’ by Duncan Young – John Fanning, Bass-Baritone, Soloist Burlington Welsh Male Chorus
Remembering Linc The Alexander Family — Keith, Erika and Marissa Alexander Colin Millar, Former Chief of Police, City of Hamilton The Honourable David Peterson, Former Premier of Ontario

SONG OF INSPIRATION Here’s To Life – Jackie Richardson, Soloist Accompanied by the Hamilton All Star Jazz Band
Remembering Linc Dr. Alastair Summerlee, President of Guelph University Mr. Michael "Pinball" Clemons
Lincoln’s Favourite Hymn How Great Thou Art – McMaster Choir, McMaster Gospel Choir (directed by Kimoy Marsden), Stewart Memorial Choir
Verse 1 Candace Walkes, Soloist
Verse 2 Choirs alone
Verse 3 Jude Johnson Soloist
Chorus Congregation, please join in singing each chorus
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art. Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
Celebrating Linc – Rev. Allison Barrett
Video Tribute to Lincoln
Closing Song — Hymn to Freedom by Oscar Peterson – Jackie Richardson, Soloist Massed Choir
Final Blessing
Last Post – Christopher Cosentino, Trumpet Burlington Teen Tour Band Captain Sir William Hughes, Director of Music Robert Bennett, Managing Director
Two Minutes of Silence
Lament – Keith McGrath, Piper, Hamilton Police Pipe Band
The Presentation of the Flag and Cap Receiving the Cap – The Alexander Family Receiving the Flag – Marni Alexander
Community Blessing The 23rd Psalm – Congregation All Read in Unison
The Lord is Linc’s shepherd, He shall not want; He makes him lie down in green pastures. He leads him beside the still waters; He restores his soul. Even though he walks through The valley of the shadow of death, He fears no evil; For God is with Linc. His rod and his staff comfort him. He prepares a table before him And anoints his head with oil. His cup overflows. Surely goodness and kindness Shall follow Linc All the days of his life And he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.
Recessional – Keith McGrath, Piper, Hamilton Police Pipe Band
Postlude Members of the community are invited to attend a reception in the lobby of the first and second floor balconies of Hamilton Place.
The family wishes to thank all those whose time, talent, dedication and commitment have come together to pay tribute to this remarkable man, our Linc.
Honorary Pallbearers Col. Jim Hubel, Dr. Michael Romeo, Mr. Tony Dipolito, Mr. Andreas Frietag, Mr. Ardo Perri, Mr. Keith Alexander, Dr. Peter George, Mr. Richard Lacroix, Mr. David Jean, Mr. Jojo Chintoh
Pallbearers Members of the Hamilton Police Services Honour Guard
A special thank you to the men and women who have stood vigil as honour guard day and night throughout this week.