Hamilton under heat warning for the rest of the week and weekend
Temperatures expected to reach highs in the low 30s Celsius this week and weekend.
City of Hamilton announces heat warning in effect for 3 to 4 days

Get ready for another heat wave.
City of Hamilton announced a heat warning effective Thursday that will likely last through the weekend.
While some showers and thunderstorms may develop, forecasters don't expect it will break the heat — just make it more humid when it's over.
"It is difficult to state exactly when the heat will end, but at this time we think that the warning should be over by the end of the weekend," the city's announcement stated.
Here are the anticipated temperatures for the next few days, according to the Weather Network:

What to do to beat the heat
The city offers the following advice for dealing with high heat:
- Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinking alcoholic and caffeinated beverages on hot days.
- Go to an air-conditioned place. Visit a cool place such as a mall, public recreation centres, public libraries, and other city-run air-conditioned facilities.
- Dress to protect from the heat. Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light coloured clothing. Wear a hat or take an umbrella to keep your head cool and don't forget sunscreen.
- Take it easy. Limit physical activities (walking, running, gardening, etc.) during the day. If rescheduling activities to dawn or dusk when it may be cooler, protect yourself with insect repellent as mosquitoes are more active at such times. Check labels to apply.
- Cool off. Take a cool bath or shower.
- Keep your living space cool. Close your blinds or curtains. When the temperature is cooler outside than inside; open windows to let air circulate when using a fan.
- Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles. Temperatures in a car can become life threatening within minutes.
- Check on your neighbours and family.
For a listing of public pools and other city-designated "cool down" areas, visit hamilton.ca/heat.