Has Hamilton reached the tipping point?

Has Hamilton reached the Tipping Point? That's the question some locals will be asking all around the city in the next few days.
The question is part of a documentary called TIP being produced by POWERGROUP Communications and Cable 14 that will air this summer on the local television station.

Over the years there has been a lot of talk of Hamilton making a comeback from harder economic times. There have been a series of moments when people thought the city was on the verge of a recovery. Some say that now is one of those moments and this time we won’t be disappointed.
Laura Babcock intends to capture the moment in a documentary being produced by her company Powergroup Communications, and Cable 14.
"Over the past year, I’ve had a lot of arguments with people about it," says Babcock, laughing. "I really want to capture this moment in time so we can look back on it, on this dynamic moment and have a record of how people were feeling."
The documentary, which is still being filmed, will be a series of people from all over the city giving their answer to the question, has Hamilton reached a tipping point?
Babcock says the documentary will draw no conclusions; it will simply present the answers as they are.
"This is an opportunity to really hear from everybody, as many people as we can and as diversely as we can."
So far the interviews are going well, Babcock says. "Its very raw and…very insightful," she says. 33 interviews have already been recorded and Babcock says she’s hoping to get at least 50, enough to fill the one hour documentary. Babcock and her crew will be conducting interviews at Gore Park on July 16.
She says this centralized location should allow her to speak to people from all wards in the city. Opinions are also being taken, up until the end of next week, through the CBC poll below, as well as through Twitter and Facebook.