How to help stop the spread of the flu this season
One tip from HHS: don't cover your mouth with your hands

Hamilton Health Sciences is reminding the public that it's everyone's responsibility to help curb the spread of flu.
On Thursday, HHS published some tips to help keep the city healthy as well as some other general information about the flu.
General flu information
1. Get a flu shot
An excellent way to avoid getting the flu. Click here for information about where flu shots are available near you. It's not too late to get vaccinated.
Dr. Ian Preyra, Chief of Emergency Medicine at St. Joseph's Healthcare, told CBC News that this year's flu shot "seems to be effective in preventing the flu" so far.
Especially good candidates for flu shots this year are seniors, because the current strain of the virus has hit them harder than in previous years, Preyra said.

2. Cover your mouth (the right way)
This video features Dr. Dominik Mertz explaining the best ways to cover your mouth and avoid spreading your germs around. If you can't watch the video, the advice goes like this: coughing into a tissue you throw out afterward is the best option. If you don't have a tissue handy, the crook of your elbow is a better option than your bare hands.
3. Don't expose others
HHS recommends people who are feeling unwell postpone visits to loved to ones in the hospital. People visiting the hospital are more likely to have compromised immune systems.
1. Rest and fluids
Staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest is a critically important combination. It's the most effective way to recover, and also the best way to avoid infecting others.
2. Don't bother with antibiotics
The flu is a virus. Antibiotics fight bacteria, so they don't do anything against the flu. But taking antibiotics can have negative side-effects on your body, so there's no reason to take them when you have the flu.
3. Stay home
"Most people with the flu don't need medical care," says HHS. "But if you or a loved one have difficulty breathing or cannot drink enough to stay hydrated, seek medical attention."