HWDSB cancels final exams, eases high school graduation requirements amid 'uncertainty'
Instead of exams, high school students will be graded on specific learning activities and assignments

Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) has cancelled final exams and the province has eased graduation requirements for high school students this year "to reflect the realities of learning and attending school during the uncertainties of a pandemic."
In a message to families on Tuesday evening, the board's director of education, Manny Figueiredo, said the changes were made after listening to feedback from families, students and educators.
"Instead, student grades will be based on the specific learning activities and assignments throughout the semester and any final activities that demonstrate overall learning," he wrote.
"Teachers will use their professional judgment to decide on the appropriate activities that best allow students to demonstrate their learning, and scheduled exam days will be used to provide additional opportunities for students to complete assignments."'
In a phone interview on Wednesday morning, Figueiredo said he began receiving questions in October about final exams. He said the plan was to made the decision this month, and adds that a large factor into cancelling exams was a concern for student mental health.
"The mental health and anxiety some kids are experiencing around this uncertainty and learning in different modalities ... for some students, it was creating more anxiety for them."

Graduation requirements have also been eased in three other ways.
The Ministry of Education halved community service hours from 40 hours to 20 hours. Those still struggling to reach 20 hours of community involvement can speak to their school principals or guidance offices.
The province also decided Grade 10 literacy test won't be mandatory this year either. It will be done next spring for Grade 10 students and students graduating in future years.
The final change is to the Grade 9 EQAO test. The results won't be used as part of a student's final course mark in math unless the student and teacher agree on it because EQAO is testing a new format this year.
Hamilton's Catholic school board runs on an octomester which has no final exams, It still requires students to attain 40 Christian Service hours, but Pat Daly, the board's chair, said families struggling to get the hours can speak with their school principal.
The changes to graduation requirements came just hours after the province said it was considering an extended holiday break or starting classes remotely in the new year as it mulls over how to reduce COVID-19 transmission after the holidays.
Education Minister Stephen Lecce later said an extended break isn't needed.
According to leading medical experts, schools remain safe places for our kids.<br><br>CMOH is clear —schools should remain open.<br><br>We will continue to consult experts as we plan for bringing kids back from the holiday on ways to further protect the progress we have made in our schools.
The changes to HWDSB high schools also follows provincial directions in mid-October to begin planning for a potential pivot to full online learning, whether it be for one school or all their schools across the board.
Figueiredo previously outlined HWDSB's plan, which included asking parents to complete surveys about how prepared they were to switch to online learning, but this new message also reveals the province allowed school boards to adjust their graduation requirements.