2 new school COVID-19 cases in Burlington and Niagara Falls
Gary Allan High School and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School have COVID cases

Someone at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School in Niagara Falls and someone at Gary Allan High School in Burlington have tested positive for COVID-19.
The Niagara Falls Catholic school, on Carlton Avenue near Dorchester Road, issued a notice to families on Wednesday night.
"Students and staff at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School were exposed to COVID-19 while this individual was infectious. This individual is currently in self-isolation. The principal of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School has sent a letter to all students and staff to notify them," read the message from Niagara Catholic District School Board.
"Niagara Region Public Health is in the process of contacting all students and staff who had direct contact with this individual. Niagara Catholic advises all contacts to follow the recommendations of Niagara Region Public Health."
No classes have been closed.
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In Burlington, Halton District School Board said a student in the e-learning program at Gary Allan High School tested positive for COVID-19.
"Halton Region Public Health has completed their investigation and has determined that this person has not been in the school and has not had contact with others in the school. Therefore, there is no identified risk to the school community from this COVID-19 case," read a statement from Marnie Denton, the board's spokesperson.
Gary Allan High School is the board's high school with adult, alternative and continuing education programs.
In both cases, it's unclear if the individuals are students or teachers, when they were last in the building and how many people may have been exposed.
McMaster University reported a student case of COVID-19 on Wednesday.