3rd COVID-19 case at Adelaide Hoodless Public School as outbreak continues
A student tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday

A student at Adelaide Hoodless Public School has tested positive for COVID-19 as the outbreak at the school continues.
It's the third case at the school.
"The students and staff members associated with the confirmed case will self-isolate for 14 days. Public health will connect with close contacts as part of their contact-tracing process," says a letter from principal Nanci-Jane Simpson.
"Adelaide Hoodless remains in outbreak status and public health continues to investigate and support our response."
It comes after two staff members tested positive on Monday.
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board is also dealing with two more student COVID-19 cases.
A Sir Allan MacNab Secondary School student tested positive for the virus on Tuesday.
A student at Ancaster High Secondary School also has the virus, but wasn't in the building while they were infectious and public health "considers the risk to other students and staff low," the board says.