Here are the important dates and deadlines for Hamilton schools
School starts on Tuesday, Sept. 8

The start of school is 26 days away and COVID-19 has made it more hectic than normal.
Here are all the dates and deadlines parents in Hamilton need to know for opening day, Sept. 8.
Opting into to school or eLearning
Parents with elementary school students within Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board must use the Parent Portal between Aug. 17 to 21 to indicate if they want their child to attend school in-person or if they prefer to choose remote learning. Families with public high school students wanting to pursue full eLearning courses should contact their school during the week of Aug. 31 to September 4.
Families in the Catholic board (HWCDSB) must complete the return to school survey by Monday, Aug. 17. They also have between Aug. 24 and 28 to add or drop high school courses. New students must register by Aug. 28.
What if I opted into online but want to switch back?
If a family decides to switch from remote to in-person, they can only do so in the public board if there's enough space left. They will also only be able to return on these days: Oct. 13, Jan. 4 and March 22.
Student screening
Student screening for public school students will be available in the Parent Portal starting Aug. 17 and it must be completed for each student prior to attendance at school. Translation is available.
School buses
As of Monday, Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation Services should have started contacting families eligible for transportation to ask if they will be use buses according to the public board.
The Catholic board says bus schedules will be available in the last week of August.
Cohorts for high school
Public schools will contact students to inform them of their cohort assignment (either group A or B) starting Aug. 31 or earlier if possible.
School routines
Public schools, both elementary and secondary, will contact families with an outline of school-specific routines regarding the re-opening starting Aug. 31 or earlier if possible.
Next update on reopening schools
The next update on reopening public schools will come on Aug. 31.