Are you willing to pay more for local food?

The fertile Hamilton area is home to everything from wineries to cash crops to poultry and dairy farms.
Yet the majority of Hamiltonians — as with most Canadian consumers — get their produce from grocery stores, where local food is not often a large contender.
As a result, are Hamiltonians losing out on the nutritional benefits of their own local food?
In lab tests conducted on local spinach by ILC Micro-Chem laboratories, they found a sample of local spinach was more nutritious overall than its grocery store counterpart. Local food is an important issue for Hamiltonians. Vince Scornaienchi, executive vice-president of Fortinos and fresh food development, acknowledges that local food is experiencing a "bit of a renaissance" in Hamilton.
The majority of residents — more than 80 per cent of those surveyed — told CBC News they wanted to hear more about what's grown in their own backyards.
Would you spend more to buy local food? Is it an important issue for you? Let us know in the comments below.