Hamilton's weirdest crime stories of 2012
We've compiled a short list of weird crime stories that took place in the Hamilton during 2012. (You're welcome.)

We at CBC Hamilton have compiled a list (albeit short) of weird crime stories that took place in the city during 2012. Some were inherently absurd; others required a snappy headline to be put in to proper (eyebrow-raising) context. In any case, these gems are filled with teachable moments. Happy learning!
- Halloween bar fights result in the best headlines, wouldn't you agree?
- Here's another case of the headline making the story. But this caper also raises a very important question: Who steals a vacuum cleaner?
- Perhaps a better question is: Who steals a 200-year-old school bell?
- Somebody watched way, way too much Bob the Builder growing up. (And heist flicks, evidently.)
- Some people just grumble about Christmas decorations going up too early. Others, apparently, take matters into their own hands.
- One plucky motorist tried to drag race a police officer. Guess how that one turned out.
- When you drink, don't drive. Abstain from door-knocking rampages, too, please and thank you.
- Finally, sparklers have many wholesome applications, especially during the summer. Lighting several, then sticking them under a mattress on display at a Walmart isn't one of them.