
High number of Yukoners vote in advance, special polls

Many voters in the Yukon opted to cast their ballots well before the Oct. 14 federal election, according to Elections Canada.

Many voters in the Yukon opted to cast their ballots well before the Oct. 14 federal election, according to Elections Canada.

Yukon returning officer Sue Edelman said 23 per cent of eligible Yukoners either showed up at advance polls or sent in special ballots. That's more than anywhere else in Canada, she said.

"I have no idea why so many people are voting," Edelman said Tuesday.

"I know that there have been concerns raised, particularly by people in the communities, about having adequate identification. By voting [by] special ballot, I think a lot of people have been able to overcome those problems."

A total of nearly 1.5 million Canadians voted in advance polls held Friday, Saturday and Monday.