Are we making progress in the battle against impaired driving?
Have your say via our new experiment to encourage a different type of discussion on our website

Jennifer Neville-Lake, the mother who lost all three of her children in a drunk driving accident, gave an emotional testimony in court last week.
"There's nothing he could say that would have any impact on me," she said of drunk driver Marco Muzzo. "I don't want to listen to the man who is responsible for killing my children. I don't see why I should put myself through that."
- Cross Country Checkup: Are we making progress in the battle against impaired driving?
- Marco Muzzo tells sentencing hearing: 'I'm tortured by the grief I've caused'
Daniel Neville-Lake, 9, Harrison, 5, and Milly, 2, as well as their 65-year-old grandfather, Gary Neville, all died in the crash that happened last fall in Vaughan, Ont.
In today's forum discussion, we asked what you thought: Are we making progress in the battle against driving under the influence? What else needs to be done? We paired up with CBC Radio's Cross Country Checkup, who simultaneously posed the same question, but over the airwaves.
You shared your thoughts, comments and insights via CBC Forum, our experiment to encourage a different type of discussion on our website. We've rounded up some of the best contributions to the forum discussion below.
Some had suggestions for how to tackle the amount of DUIs.
- "Legalize ride sharing services like Uber and my friends won't drive home drunk from restaurants. Taxis too expensive." — Normal guy
- "Perhaps a concerted effort put into place by all levels of government, together in a cohesive partnership, market 'responsible' drinking and consumption of any other type of 'mood-mind-altering' drug." — ForestCreature
- "If you make the punishment for the first DUI life-changing, I think that would be a deterrent. Two year suspension, the first time you're caught." — Moira
Others thought the allowed alcohol limits should be shifted.
- "Simple. Absolutely no alcohol when driving. You must not drive if you have been drinking alcohol. Your blood-alcohol level must be zero. Only one license for all G2." — Durgan
- "The only legal amount of alcohol in a person's body when driving should be ZERO. That way no one would ever have to wonder if they are safe to drive. The only penalty for drunk driving should be life in prison with no parole; that is the only way it will stop." — Laurie
Several thought the focus should be on texting and driving.
- "More can be done, but impaired driving is no longer limited to alcohol intake. I see way too many people that text and drive." — Hoda Hanna E
One comment even offered a personal anecdote.
- "As someone who works for a local police service, I can tell you that I'm shocked at the number of impaired driver calls we get, and we don't come close to catching all of them. So even the ones which make it into the media, this is only a small percentage of the ones out there." — dispatcher