A Kamloops team flies out for the World Gymnaestrada
A team from Kamloops is flying to Finland today, for the largest non-competitive sporting event in the world. It's called a Gymnaestrada. We will check out their routine.
A team from Kamloops is flying to Finland today, for the largest non-competitive sporting event.

They have been fundraising for a full year. Hot dog sales. Bottle drives. Plant sales. You name it.

And finally, today, a team flies out of Kamloops for Helsinki Finland, for the World Gymnaestrada.
Daybreak's Shelley Joyce popped in to the gym at TCC where eleven Kamloops athletes were polishing up their routine. That team of 11 athletes, plus moms and coaches, are leaving Kamloops today for the World Gymnaestrada. It's in Helsinki Finland. 24,000 athletes from 54 countries are expected.
To hear the audio, click the link: A Kamloops team flies out for the World Gymnaestrada