B.C. Government weighs in on next steps for Tolko closure in Merritt
Government officials, including MLA Jackie Tegart, met to discuss what comes next for the city of Merritt
Government officials, including MLA Jackie Tegart, met to discuss what comes next for the city of Merritt

What comes next for Merritt, now that the Tolko sawmill is shutting down?
That was the subject of a meeting yesterday between the mayor of Merritt and some provincial government officials.
Jackie Tegart is the MLA for Fraser-Nicola.
She says the first priority is to focus on workers and families, then to look at the impact the mill closure will have on the community as a whole, and finally the last priority will be looking at economic development and what opportunities can be identified for the community.
To listen to the full interview, click on the link: B.C. Government weighs in on next steps for Tolko closure in Merritt.