
Hot Rod Todd? Kamloops tries out new speedy nicknames for Stone

Transportation Minister Todd Stone is compared to "Flying Phil" Gaglardi after receiving speeding ticket

Transportation Minister Todd Stone is compared to "Flying Phil" Gaglardi after receiving speeding ticket

Speed limits are rising to 120 kilometres per hour on sections of three multi-lane highways in B.C. (CBC)

We've all been there.

A little behind schedule, so the foot gets heavier and then a speeding ticket.

B.C.'s Transportation Minister Todd Stone knows the story.

Running late to catch the ferry at Swartz Bay, Stone was recently caught driving 109 km/h in an 80 km/h zone.

The comparisons to "Flying Phil" Gaglardi quickly followed.

Gaglardi is Stone's predecessor as transportation minister, who was known for driving with a heavy foot.

So Kamloops has taken to the nicknames.

Hot Rod Todd? Speedy Stone? Rolling Stone? Turbo Todd?

Daybreak's Samantha Garvey got the reaction from the streets of Kamloops.

To hear the story, click the link: Hot Rod Todd? Kamloops tries out new speedy nicknames