If approved, Ajax mine to use wet tailings pond to store waste
If approved, the Ajax mine would use a wet tailings pond to store its waste. That's despite reports that dry-stacking is the safer option. We'll talk to Ajax.

After a bit of flip-flopping, KGHM International has settled on a strategy for how to store waste at the proposed Ajax mine. The company says it will use a wet tailings pond -- that means waste from the mine will be stored behind an earth dam. This goes against advice to the mining industry that dry-stacking is a safer option.
An expert engineering panel was appointed by the B.C. government after the failure at Mount Polley. They called for "a major shift in how to deal with mine waste and reported that dry stacking is the best available technology.
Joining me in studio is Clyde Gillespie. He's the Acting Project Manager for the Ajax Project.
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