Kamloops residents may soon be able to legally keep backyard hens
The City of Kamloops is closer then ever to adopting a bylaw amendment which would makekeeping urban hens legal
The City of Kamloops closer then ever to adopting a bylaw amendment which would make keeping urban hens legal

The gentle clucking of hens could become a common sound in Kamloops.
City staff are drafting a bylaw amendment that would make it legal to keep chickens on city lots.
That's if city council approves.
As it stands now, backyard hens are not legally allowed on lots under one acre in size.
They are tolerated in the city though, if your neighbour doesn't complain.
Jen Casorso is the Social and Community Development Supervisor with the city of Kamloops.
To listen to the full interview, click on the link: Kamloops residents may soon be able to legally keep backyard hens.