Reaction continues to the MMIW inquiry
The federal government has formally announced an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. We heard from the B.C. president of the Native Women's Association of Canada about whether the inquiry will bring about any change and provide families with closure.
The federal government has announced an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett has formally announced that Marion Buller -- B.C.'s first female First Nations judge -- will lead Canada's inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls. For months, the government has been holding information sessions, meeting with families to gather input on what th inquiry should include. Now for reaction, we reached is Francyne Joe. She's the president of the B.C. chapter of the Native Women's Association of Canada. She's based in Kamloops but we reached her in Ottawa where she has been watching this historic announcement.
To hear the interview, click the link: Reaction continues to the MMIW inquiry