Supportive housing project in Kamloops first of it's kind
Daybreak drops by an Elizabeth Fry Society project that provides housing for women and children
Daybreak drops by Elizabeth Fry Society housing project that provides housing for women and children

Homeless women in Kamloops have some unique challenges: sometimes they have children, issues with addictions, mental illness, violence and of course extreme poverty.
There are an estimated one hundred homeless women in Kamloops.
Five of them and their kids now have a warm, clean, private place to call home.
This spring the Elizabeth Fry Society opened a supportive housing project on the North Shore.
The location is to be kept secret to protect the tenants.
Daybreak was invited over to see how it's going.
To listen to the full interview, click on the link: Supportive housing project in Kamloops first of it's kind.