4 potential locations for supervised injection sites considered
Two sites chosen in downtown Cambridge and two in downtown Kitchener

Waterloo Region staff have recommended four potential locations for supervised injection sites, two in Cambridge and two in Kitchener.
Staff evaluated 29 locations over two months, settling on:
- 150 Main St., Cambridge.
- 149 Ainslie St. N., Cambridge.
- 115 Water St. N., Kitchener.
A second location in Kitchener was also suggested but its address has not been released because the owner of the building has yet to agree to the use of the building for the desired purpose.
- What's the difference between a supervised consumption site and an overdose prevention site?
- Region of Waterloo begins search for supervised injection site locations
According to a staff report, the Langs Community Health Centre, the Kitchener Downtown Community Health Centre, House of Friendship and the Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres have expressed an interest in working with the region to provide addiction services and primary care at the future supervised injection sites.
Staff say these services are essential for securing support from the federal and provincial governments when the time comes.
But first, staff must present its report to council and ask permission to move ahead with another round of public and stakeholder consultations. The report is expected to be submitted Tuesday during a regional community services committee meeting.