
5 things to know about the Ontario teachers' disputes

Ontario's high school teachers have reached a tentative contract deal with the province. But what about the others, and what should parents be thinking about?

From work-to-rule to who's settled... what parents should be aware of

Secondary teachers reach deal

10 years ago
Duration 3:17
The province and the union representing thousands of high school teachers came to a tentative agreement on Thursday, possibly paving the way for similar arrangements with Catholic and elementary school teachers.

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) reached a deal with the provincial government and the Ontario Public School Boards Association in early Thursday morning, Aug. 20. 

The tentative contract between the union representing Ontario's public secondary teachers and the province has no doubt left many parents relieved, although those with children in the elementary, Catholic and Francophone systems are likely wondering what the agreement means for them.

Here are five important points for parents to be aware of in the final days of summer vacation:

1. High school students will start school on time, due to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) tentative deal.

2. The OSSTF is the first agreement reached since contracts expired for all four teachers' unions a year ago (the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) and L'Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) being the other three)

3. Elementary schools will be under work to rule, meaning that teachers will not participate in:

  • Field trips. 
  • Fundraising for school activities.
  • School board sponsored professional development.

4. Extra-curricular activities are not on the current list of ETFO canceled activities.That means that they may still occur, but may also be used as a later bargain chip. Bargaining with the ETFO will resume Sept. 1.

5. The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association is still in the midst of ongoing talks.  According to CBC News's Mike Crawley, OECTA is talking about an "administrative work-to-rule" campaign. This would be similar to what elementary schools saw last year when ETFO refused to participate in certain staff meetings and refused to enter marks and comments into the report card computer system.