Mandy Brouse
Mandy Brouse, the co-owner of Words Worth Books in Waterloo, is an occasional contributer to CBC KW's The Morning Edition and is writing a series of columns this summer with book suggestions to keep children and teens reading.
Latest from Mandy Brouse

Reading poetry more than just pretty words, says Mandy Brouse
Mandy Brouse of WordsWorth Books in Waterloo encourages people to skip the prose during National Poetry Month and try something different.
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Reading holiday books a great tradition to start with children
Mandy Brouse of Wordsworth Books in Waterloo offers several suggestions of new holiday books to get your children into the spirit of reading.
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Books to help ease children and teens back into school
There is excitement as the school year starts up again, but some children may be feeling stress or anxiety because of a new classroom, bullying or perhaps younger children are sad to see an older sibling head off to kindergarten. Books can help ease some of those worries, writes Mandy Brouse.
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Books to get the whole family reading this summer
Summer is a great time to read together as a family, says Mandy Brouse of Words Worth Books in Waterloo.
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Fantasy books to keep youth in Waterloo region reading all summer
By making our world seem fuller of possibility, alternate realities can turn the mundane into the magical.
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Keep your kids reading this summer with these award-winning books
It's the middle of summer and you may need some fresh ideas to keep your children and teens reading. Mandy Brouse, co-owner of Words Worth Books in Waterloo, has a few suggestions.
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Books to keep Waterloo Region kids reading this summer
Summer days mean summer reading. Mandy Brouse of Words Worth Books has picks for your family, from young kids to young adults.
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Quick reads for your March Break book list
Mandy Brouse from Waterloo's Words Worth Books shares her top picks for quick reads, so you can go back to work boasting about reading a Pulitzer Prize winning title following March Break.
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