Southeast Galt chosen for Cambridge's new recreation complex
City agrees to build ice facilities at Franklin Blvd. sports park

Cambridge city council has decided southeast Galt will be the location of its new recreational facility, which will include a pool and fitness facilities.
Council voted 7-2 in favour of the location near Myers Rd. and Dundas St. South area.
Cambridge Mayor Kathryn McGarry said she's happy council made a decision to move forward.
"If we chose anything but the site we did last night, we were looking at having to purchase land, do an environmental assessment, remediate the soil, because all of the other sites were contaminated. That would have delayed the project for over two to four years," McGarry said in an interview.
"This way the recreation complex can actually start next year. They can do the prework with shovels in the ground 2021."
The complex will include a 25 metre pool, multiple gymnasiums, a fitness track and multi-purpose rooms.
The new build means John Dolson Pool will be decommissioned and two outdoor pools will close.
Growth in the area
The southeast area of Galt is scheduled to grow from from its current population of around 9,000 people. Interim city manager Jeff Wilmer says plans are in place to build new subdivisions.
"That's a newly developing suburban part of Cambridge. There's a lot of growth forecast for that area," Wilmer said.
"Over 25,000 people will ultimately live there and so those planning approvals are happening this month as well. That will help service the land and create the roads to get to this new recreation complex."
There are 350 homes scheduled to be built in the area in the next two years.
Negotiations for new ice rinks
Council also voted to enter negotiations with Buckingham Sports Properties to expand the Cambridge Sports Park Facility on Franklin Blvd.
McGarry said the finished product would look similar to the Scotiabank Pond in Downsview Park in Toronto, which is also owned by Buckingham.
"[We want to see if] we can come up with a mutually satisfactory agreement for Buckingham to build two new ice pads at the facility they have on Franklin. Then to renovate the other two," McGarry said.
"So eventually at their cost, capital and operating we would have a four pad ice facility that is done and upgraded."
McGarry said Franklin Boulevard is a centralized location. Negotiations between the city and Buckingham should be completed by September. If no agreement is reached, the city will consider two new ice pads in Hespeler and southeast Cambridge.
The city is also moving ahead to twin and upgrade the Preston Memorial Auditorium.
Cambridge council approved to decommission the Karl Homuth arena, Duncan McIntosh arena and Dickson arena.
McGarry said there is interest to repurpose the McIntosh and Dickson arenas to be used by other sports groups.
The decisions made Tuesday night comes after council changed its mind about a multi-use sports complex that, in 2016, was set to go on lands owned by Conestoga College.
The planned multiplex would have included four ice pads, two pools, a gym, other recreational rooms as well as outdoor space for soccer and other outdoor sports.
Council set up a task force and looked at five different possible locations. Then in December 2017 council voted in favour of putting ice rinks, gyms and a walking track at the Cambridge Centre after the Sears store closed. In February of this year, council determined the cost was too high and staff began looking for other options.