What to expect when voting in Cambridge after Catholic trustee vote suspended
Voters given verbal and visual reminders at the polls

Separate school board supporters in Cambridge voting in Monday's municipal election will be given ample reminders the vote for a Catholic school board trustee has been suspended.
Danielle Manton, clerk for the City of Cambridge, says signs have been placed at polling stations, election workers will remind people they don't have to cast a ballot and if the voters do mark an X out of habit, the vote will not count.
"When voters show up, if they are voters for the WCDSB trustee race, they will be told that they do not need to cast their vote in that race today as it has been suspended," Manton said.
"[The] online voting site has a note about this race as well."
An emergency was declared under section 53 of the Municipal Election Act after two candidates were left off the ballot.
Manton did not say which two candidates were left off the ballot.
The change slightly modifies how the managing deputy returning officer (MDRO) processes the results through the vote tabulator, she said.
"Normally the tabulators would run a final printout with the tabulation for that poll. MDROs have been instructed to power off the tabulator without running the reports," Manton said.
"The reports will be run at city hall and the results for that race will be redacted by the deputy city clerk."
The City of Cambridge will notify WCDSB voters once a date has been set for the election.