Climate change book recommendations for kids, teens and adults from Region of Waterloo Library
Region of Waterloo Library has a wide collection of books, DVDs on environment and climate change

Many around the world have been taking part in the Global Climate Strike this week and Jen Cyr with the Region of Waterloo Library says they've seen an increase in demand for books on the environment and climate change.
"I know in some of our communities there are very active groups who want to learn more," Cyr said.
Cyr, who is the coordinator of library collections, said water preservation and how to be more environmentally conscious have been popular topics at Region of Waterloo Library.
"They're looking for books that will help inform them and to inform other about it, like for example, their own community," she said.
Cyr notes there are a few good books available for young children that introduce them to the concept of climate change.
Books for children and teens

She walks to raise awareness of people's need to protect water for future generations and for all life on the planet.
"It's a picture book format but it tells the true story of this woman," Cyr said.
Another book Cyr recommends for young readers is Rising Seas: Flooding, Climate Change and Our New World by Keltie Thomas.
Cyr said this book gives children visuals and information of how rising sea levels could affect cities and communities across the globe.
For the teenage readers, Cyr recommends Eyes Wide Open: Going Behind the Environmental Headlines by Paul Fleischman.
"This book really gives young people an idea of the tools they need to become informed," she said. "It gives a lot of references to other books or documentaries."
For the adults
Cyr said the book gives readers insight on what they can do in their day-to-day lives to make the world more sustainable.
Cyr also recommends is The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption by Dahr Jamail.
She said Jamail illustrates to the reader what climate change looks like in different parts of the world.
"He visits these endangered areas and really explains what it means when we see climate change," she said.
The Region of Waterloo Library's climate change collection goes beyond books, Cyr adds.
The library carries DVD collections and documentary films on the issues surrounding the environment, water and climate change.