LRT construction unearths more corduroy road at King and Northfield

Just hours after the Region of Waterloo gave away sections of the corduroy road found under King Street in Waterloo during construction for the Ion LRT, there was news that another section of corduroy road was discovered near King St. and Northfield Drive.
The new section was discovered on Thursday afternoon along the side of King St. North, between Northfield Drive and Conestogo Road, according to a release from GrandLinq, the construction consortium building the light rail line.
Work stopped on the site, and GrandLinq consulted with the same archaeologists who examined the corduroy road in Uptown Waterloo. That team confirmed on Friday that the new discovery at Northfield was also a corduroy road.
Discovery made on this stretch of King Street, b/t Northfield and Conestogo. <a href=""></a>
According to the GrandLinq release, the delays to LRT construction are "mainly contained to the 8m section" where the corduroy road was found.
Excavation work on both the area near the King and Conestogo intersection, as well as the area north of the corduroy road over to Northfield can continue.
But crews will still need clearance in writing from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport that all requirements under the Ontario Heritage Act are met before work can continue in the area where the new corduroy road was found.
GrandLinq says that vehicles will still be able to use the two established lanes that are open on the side of King Street, and the King St and Conestogo Rd intersection will still be open.