Esther the Wonder Pig fundraiser exceeds goal for large animal CT scanner

Guelph's Ontario Veterinary College will get a state of the art large-animal CT scanner, thanks to a fundraising campaign and porcine celebrity Esther the Wonder Pig.
The Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary exceeded its goal of $504,000 US by $70,000. On its fundraising website, the sanctuary said the extra money will go toward establishing an emergency medical fund for other sanctuaries.
The scanner has arrived at the Ontario Veterinary College hospital, but before it can be put to use, significant renovations must be done and special permits obtained.
The college projects that will cost an additional $500,000.
First in Canada
Esther the Wonder Pig, 6, is the subject of a children's book and has become a social media phenomenon over the course of her short life.
Then, in October 2017, Esther was struck by a health emergency. Veterinarians at the Ontario Veterinary College were stumped and because of her size — 650 pounds — she was too big for their diagnostic imaging equipment. In fact, there wasn't a single large animal CT scanner in the entire country.
It was then that Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter decided something needed to be done for their pig. They reached out to the company behind the "largest and most advanced" CT scanner in the world and began fundraising.
Esther's story captured the hearts, and wallets, of people from all over the world. "People from almost 60 countries from around the globe contributed to our campaign — the love, generosity and compassion was overwhelming and humbling!" reads a message on the fundraising site.
"While Esther was the catalyst that got this fundraiser going, the realization that so many animals will be treated and potentially saved by this device and your overwhelming generosity, is truly remarkable and a testament to human compassion for our fellow beings."