First Ion Bombardier LRT car to ship Tuesday from Thunder Bay

Waterloo Region's first LRT car is scheduled to be shipped Tuesday from the Bombardier plant in Thunder Bay.
It could take 10 to 12 days for the rail car to arrive in the region, where it will be checked out and then used for testing.
"We still have a lot of work to do, with 13 more vehicles expected to arrive before the end of the year, but we're pleased and will continue to monitor Bombardier closely as we move forward," regional councillor Tom Galloway said in a release.
Test schedule
Initially, the first car will be housed inside the Ion operations facility. In the spring, it will begin a rolling test on track in Waterloo that runs from the Northfield stop to north of the Caroline/Erb intersection, the release stated.
The LRT car will be displayed to the public in April at Ion's Operations, Maintenance and Storage Facility on Dutton Drive.
More cars
"Vehicles two through 14 will be coming from Kingston," Galloway told CBC Kitchener-Waterloo. Bombardier relocated production to a facility there in May, 2016 and reported in early December that the necessary plant modifications had been completed.
"Three or four" cars are already under construction, Galloway said. "The next one, due to come in June of this year. And then another vehicle every 15 days after that until December when the 14th vehicle arrives," he said.