
Before and after: Grand River recedes from dramatic weekend rise

The GRCA river cam captures dramatic rise and fall of Grand River water levels near West Montrose Covered Bridge.

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The Grand River rose dramatically on Saturday after the region received significant rainfall Thursday night into Friday morning. The rise and fall of the river was captured in a series of images taken from a Grand River Conservation Authority camera mounted near the West Montrose covered bridge.

The Authority also graphs river data, showing river flows at various spots on the Grand River with a significant jump on Saturday.

West Montrose reached a peak of 507.14 cubic metres per second last Friday night, according to the GRCA, a hundred times higher than the normal summer low flow, which is 5 cubic metres per second. In the historic 1974 flood, flows at West Montrose reached 670 m3/s.

Chart displaying Grand River flows with values from Saturday, June 24. (GRCA)