Guelph downtown dining district will remain in place through November 30
Council voted Monday evening to extend the initiative through the fall

Guelph's downtown dining district and temporary patio program will continue through November 30, after council voted to extend the program at a meeting Monday evening.
That means parts of Macdonell and Wyndham streets will stay closed to car traffic.
The district first opened in July with the intention to help restaurants stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was originally expected to close on September 7 but was extended to September 21.
"The dining district and other extended patios have not only helped these businesses stay open, but have provided jobs for people in Guelph, and created a space where friends and family can safely enjoy social time together while following public health guidelines to help fight COVID-19," said Guelph Mayor Cam Guthrie in a release.
Council also directed staff to work on a long-term plan to promote outdoor dining in the city.