High school literacy test scores show slight drop in Waterloo Region
Public board results released Wednesday

The province's standardized literacy test results for high school students released Wednesday show a slight drop in Waterloo Region District School Board results, from an 83 per cent success rate in 2014 to a 82 per cent success rate in 2015.
The test, which was administered in March to Grade 10 students, is graded on a pass/fail scale. Students are required to pass the test in order to graduate.
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In the past five years, Waterloo Region District School Board has seen the numbers fluctuate one to two percentage points, with the rate of students passing the test waffling between 84 and 82 per cent.
The results are on par with the provincial average, which also saw a success rate of 82 per cent in 2015.
"Although we have dropped a percentage point, we do recognize that this is a different cohort of students and we are still pleased with these results," said Angela Mercier, the board's superintendent for student achievement and well being.
Deferral rates drop from 5 to 3 per cent
The results also show a decline in the number of students deferring the test, meaning fewer students are choosing to take the literacy test in Grade 11 or 12 because they feel unprepared in Grade 10.
"We've tried to defer fewer and fewer students so we have a higher participation rate," said Mercier.
Any student who fails the test is also given the option of taking the Ontario secondary school literacy course, which works with students to cover the material in the exam to ensure they meet the provincial standards to graduate.
"The teachers there are trained and know what needs to be covered in terms of really this intensive support for those students to be successful," Mercier said.
The Grade 9 math standardized test results are expected to be released at the end of October.