How Waterloo Region residents can help Syrian refugees

The deaths of two young Syrian boys and their mother in Turkey have refocused worldwide attention on the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Alan Kurdi, 3, his brother Galib, 5, and mother, Reham drowned after their rowboat capsized while they were trying to reach a Greek island from Turkey.
The deaths of Alan and Galib have also increased pressure on the Canadian government after it was revealed the family was trying to get to Canada, and shifted the focus of the federal election campaign.
For local residents moved by the tragic photos of Aylan Kurdi and his brother Gulip, there are several options to lend your support to refugees coming to Canada.
Here are several local agencies that provide support and shelter for refugees arriving in the region.
Welcome Home Refugee Housing Community
- Donate on their website:
Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support
Mailing or delivering a cheque to: MCRS, 58 Queen Street S, Kitchener, ON N2G 1V6
Calling MCRS at 519-571-1912 ext. 4 to make other arrangements.
Reception House
YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo
Other agencies helping refugees around the world
- United Nation Refugee Agency
- Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders
- Canadian Red Cross
- Mennonite Central Committee
- World Vision Canada
- Oxfam International
- Migrant Offshore Aid Station, helping people in distress crossing the Mediterranean in unsafe vessels.