Volunteers tie blue ribbons to remember Kaden Young
Residents of Cambridge, Ont. want to tell Young family that they're 'thinking of Kaden'

Residents in Cambridge, Ont. who are unable to assist with the search of Kaden Young, a three-year-old boy swept away by the Grand River flood, are tying up blue ribbons in their city to remember him.
"We just wanted to do something," said Alicia Brown, the organizer of the campaign.
"To let the family know that we're thinking about them ... trying to feel like we're helping in whatever way we can."
Volunteers met up on Sunday morning to tie ribbons up on trees near the Grand River, covering the trails from St. Andrews Street and Grand Avenue South, crossing the Concession Street bridge, to Mill Race Park.

Located approximately 100 kilometres away from Orangeville, Ont. — where Kaden was swept away — Brown, who has a son that's "Kaden's age," said she was heartbroken to hear about what happened.
"Even just being along the river today, hanging the ribbons, just feeling how cold it was and seeing how fast the water is rushing, just knowing he's still out there, it's just horrible," she said.
Fundraising through stickers
Brown said she was liasing with Theresa Barnes for the event, another resident of Cambridge who is fundraising money for the Young family.

Barnes, a business owner of KTB Rustic Chic Designs, is making blue-ribbon decals and stickers with Kaden's name on them to sell and provide money to the family.
"We don't have a set goal, whatever we raise we are happy with," said Barnes.
"This is something small that we can do to help out the family during this difficult time."
She meets up with other businesses to ask them to sell the stickers on her behalf, marking them at $5 per piece.
So far, five local shops — the Black Badger, KW Imports & Wholesale, KW Vintage Games, The Sharing Squirrel, and Cambridge Appliance have jumped on board, and Barnes has raised $585 since Friday.
"My heart hurts for Kaden and his family. I can't imagine what they are going through," she said.
The blue ribbons will be up until Kaden is found.