Kaden Young searchers urge drone owners to stay grounded
The 3-year-old has been missing since last Wednesday when he was pulled from mother's arms into Grand River

Ontario Provincial Police are urging the public to keep their personal drones out of the sky, as they are at times, interfering with the work of police in locating three-year-old Kaden Young who has been missing since last Wednesday.
"We've had some problems with them flying private drones in and around our helicopter," Const. Paul Nancekivell of Dufferin County OPP told CBC News on Monday.
"We appreciate their help but we want it to be a safe search as well."
Nancekivell said police have their helicopter and the force's drone out to look for Young on Monday.
The OPP dive team is also at the scene.

The van was overtaken by water and swept into the Grand River. As his mother tried to get Young out of the van, he was ripped from her arms by the fast-moving current.
A T-shirt belonging to Young and a booster seat have been located, but there has been no sign of the three-year-old.
At least 200 volunteers combed the banks of the Grand River on the weekend looking for any sign of Young.
The search for Young is a recovery mission, Nancekivell has said, adding it's unlikely the child survived given the conditions.