Canada Day and other events in tri-cities face cancellation due to COVID-19
K-W, Cambridge say it's to help contain the spread of COVID-19 in the region and to protect residents

Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge have cancelled or postponed festivals and events up to June 30 this year due to COVID-19 — and the virus will also impact Canada Day celebrations.
The cities say the cancellations are to help contain the spread of COVID-19 throughout the region and to further protect residents, volunteers and event planners.
It would also allow for a "potential extension of the physical distancing requirements" already in place within the region.
"Today's decision is another difficult one but a necessary one. We need to stay home, practise physical distancing and do everything we can to help stop the spread of COVID-19," said Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic in a release.
This will affect events such as the KW Multicultural Festival, Summer Lights Festival, Eid-ul-Fitr Festival, Maker Expo, Neighbours Day, TacoFest, and tri-Pride.
Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge are all looking at alternative options for Canada Day as well.
Waterloo has posted an extensive list of events that will be cancelled or postponed on their website.
Meanwhile, the city of Cambridge said more than 20 events and festivals normally held in city facilities, public spaces, or parks will be impacted.
Cancellations include the Cambridge Celebration for the Arts and community-led events like the Cambridge Art Attic, Cambridge Kin Carnival, Tour De Grand and the Portugal Day Parade.
"This is sad news as our annual festivals and events are very important to the fabric and vitality of Cambridge, but the protection of our residents has to be our primary concern," said Cambridge Mayor Kathryn McGarry in a release.
"Taking these difficult measures now to avoid any large gatherings will help us get things back to normal sooner, and I know our special events and festivals will play a big part in the city's path forward once the virus is contained."