Metrolinx to hold town hall meeting in Kitchener on March 4
CEO Phil Verster and senior management will answer questions at meeting at Communitech

Metrolinx is hosting a town hall meeting in Kitchener on March 4 to answer questions from riders and the public about their services.
CEO Phil Verster and members of the senior management team will be at the meeting, which will be held at Communitech starting at 7 p.m.
The notice on the Metrolinx Engage website notes questions can be submitted ahead of time or during a livestream of the meeting.
People who want to take part can RSVP to be there in person or online through the website.
'We listen to our customers'
Metrolinx has come under fire in recent weeks for service on the Kitchener GO line. After an afternoon express train was cancelled, riders were outraged and complained of trains being overcrowded. The company had to reverse its decision and reinstate it on Feb. 13.
In a video statement, Verster apologized to riders for any confusion.
"We listen to our customers very carefully," Verster said, and called the express train a "crucial service."
Kitchener South-Hespeler MPP Amy Fee said increased GO trains to and from Kitchener are a priority for her as she returned to Queen's Park this week.
Transportation Minister Jeff Yurek has promised an announcement about two-way, all-day GO train service between Kitchener and Toronto's Union Station in the next 18 months.
Metrolinx hosts town halls every few months, although this is the first one in Kitchener, and videos of past meetings are available on the Metrolinx Engage website.