Most pedestrians, cyclists hit by cars on Fridays, Guelph police say

A report of Guelph Police's collision statistics from January to June of 2015 show that Fridays are among the most dangerous days for pedestrians and cyclists in the city.
In the six month period there were 19 reported collisions involving a pedestrian and 15 involving a cyclist. Of those, 10 happened on a Friday.
Mid-week travel also proved to be risky for pedestrians and cyclists alike, with Wednesdays and Thursday ranking among the days with the second highest number of collisions for each group respectively.
Still, overall collisions are down from the same period last year. In 2014 there were 1,553 reported collisions, and this year only 1,426.
The report shows that the most dangerous intersections in the city, based on the number of collisions, were Speedvale Avenue and Woolwich Street with 20 collisions, Edinburgh Road and Stone Road with 13 collisions and Gordon Street and Kortright Road, also with 13.