Air ambulances returning to Kitchener heliport with new flight path
Ornge air ambulances have been landing in the region's airport since late June

The downtown Kitchener heliport used for air ambulance transporting patients in and out of Grand River Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital has re-opened Tuesday afternoon, after being closed since late June because of a construction crane that obstructed the flight path.
Mark Karjaluoto, director of communications for Grand River Hospital, told CBC News a new flight path avoiding the crane has been approved by Transport Canada and Nav Canada.
"The helipad is still there, they're just approaching it from a somewhat different angle," he said.
Air ambulances have been using the Region of Waterloo International Airport since late June.
Karjaluoto said now they've gone through the process of developing a new flight route, the next time construction happens it will take less time for a new route to be approved.