Newcomers matched up with part-time work at Waterloo job fair
It's the first time organizers have put together a job fair focused on part-time work

Twenty local employers from Waterloo region are looking to match with newcomers who are searching for part-time work.
The Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership and Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo, Wellington and Dufferin have organized a job fair Thursday afternoon for people who have immigrated to the region or come as refugees.
Jeremy Cook, who works for the Workforce Planning Board, says it's the first time the groups have put together a job fair that specifically focuses on part-time work for newcomers.
"In the past, there have been a large percentage of people that come to job fairs and say 'Well it's unfortunate they're only offering full-time because I want part-time,'" said Cook.
There are many reasons people who have immigrated to the region may be interested in part-time work, he said.
"Maybe just testing the waters with what they want to do or for childcare reasons or studying at school," said Cook.
"It's a huge talent pool that could be tapped into to help employers overcome their recruiting nightmares that they've had for the past six or seven years."
Even though the jobs are primarily part-time, there may also be full-time positions available, according to Cook.
The local employers representing the hospitality, manufacturing, healthcare and transportation industries.
The job fair runs Thursday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the The Inn of Waterloo on King Street N.