Firefighter warns against paper lanterns amid dry weather
'Dangerous' paper sky lanterns fall under prohibited fireworks in Woolwich

A volunteer firefighter is reminding of the dangers of lighting paper sky lanterns after finding a half-burned lantern in his backyard Sunday afternoon.
Mark Weber, a volunteer with the Woolwich Fire Department, said the discovery was especially concerning because the fire lanterns are banned in Woolwich, and the area is dealing with dry weather conditions.
"It really surprised me that someone would do that with the conditions that we're in," Weber said.
Waterloo region and the surrounding townships have experienced dry weather for several weeks, prompting the Grand River Conservation Area to request people limit their water consumption by 10 per cent.
Areas of Pinehurst Lake Park, Conestogo Lake Park, Norfolk County and Perth East have implemented fire bans as well.
However, because of Monday's rain, Woolwich, along with Wilmot, Wellesley and North Dumfries decided not to implement a fire ban.
Dangers of paper sky lanterns
Weber said one of the biggest concerns with sky lanterns is that once one is lit and released into the air, it's hard to tell where it could land.
"You have no control," he said. "It could [land] on your own roof and set your house on fire."
In Woolwich, sky lanterns fall under by law 15-2015, which regulates the sale and use of fireworks in the township.
No person is allowed to set off any prohibited fireworks in the Township, according to the bylaw.
Wellesley Township recently banned sky lanterns year round as well.
"Putting [sky lanterns] into our burn bylaw has given us a bit of teeth," Wellesley fire Chief Paul Redman told CBC News.
"People don't always realize how dangerous they are."
Found this half burnt Chinese Lantern in my back yard on Church St W. Elmira. <br> <br>Please consider what could happen before lighting one of these as they have been the cause of serious fires and are illegal to use in the Township of Woolwich. By-law 15-2015 <a href=""></a>