Survey on e-scooters underway as Region of Waterloo drafts policy
Online survey asks if e-scooters should be allowed in the region and where they should be allowed to travel

The Region of Waterloo wants to know whether e-scooters are a fit for the municipality and where people should be allowed to use them.
The region has launched an online survey that presents various scenarios around the use of the electric kick scooters.
Kevan Marshall is with the region's transit integration and transportation demand management group.
He says there are many things to consider before allowing e-scooters and people in the municipality need to have their say.
"We provided five permission scenarios ranging from nowhere, not allowing these anywhere ... To basically match the bylaws as far as [the e-scooter is allowed] anywhere a bike can go in our community. So that's trails, multi-use trails, bike lanes, and any road other than controlled access highways," he said.
The region also wants input on renting an e-scooter from a company and the type of trip the battery powered unit would be used for.
Last year, the province launched a five year e-scooter pilot project. Municipalities have the final say over whether to allow the devices on their roads or trails.
The Ministry of Transportation outlined regulations that municipalities must follow including:
- A maximum speed of 24 km/h.
- A minimum age of 16.
- No cargo.
- No passengers.
- A helmet is mandatory for anyone under 18.
- Riders must have a horn or bell and a front and rear light.
The region's online e-scooter survey is live until Feb.1.